Thursday, June 20, 2014
The plan for the morning was to climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge, which was much larger than I expected. I always knew it was an impressive work of design and engineering but it is one of those structures you must see in order to truly experience its grandeur. We chose the Discovery Climb Tour which took you a different route than most Bridge Climbs and it gave you more background information on the purpose and design of the structure. The end of the tour took you to the summit and we enjoyed 360-degree views of Sydney on a beautiful sunny day.
After the climb we enjoyed a rooftop deck lunch overlooking both the Syndey Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge, another surreal moment of this trip. After lunch, we enjoyed walking around the city, popping into a couple shops, and visiting the observation deck at the top of the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
In the late afternoon, we toured the Sydney Opera House and learned about the design and difficult engineering of the impressive architectural masterpiece. The Sydney Opera House is home to over 2,000 performances each year ranging from modern dance, stand-up comedians, and world famous Symphonies and Opera companies. For some last-minute fun, and with the “when in Rome” mentality we purchased Sydney Symphony tickets for later that evening in the grand concert hall of the Opera House. It was a wonderful performance and we enjoyed the music, atmosphere, and the evening inside the Sydney Opera House.
Well, unfortunately, our trip Down Under has come to an end. We've made unbelieveable memories and have had some incredible experiences. We're so blessed and thankful that we are able to travel and see the world like we have.
Goodnight one last time from the beautiful continent of Australia!